

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We're moving!

My little family is moving! It is very sudden, but we are excited, because this means one more step closer to our dream home. We own a duplex and until now have lived in half, but we are going to be renting out both sides of the duplex. Which means we needed somewhere to live! Fortunately we are going to be renting a house right next door to my parents. Its a fairly convenient location for our jobs as well as babysitting (my mom and daycare both!) so we are happy with this arrangement for now. I might be a bit scarce for the next week or two as we get settled, but I'm hoping to be back more often when things are all moved.

Also, a small favor. I entered Carter in a contest to win a photography session! Normally this isn't something I would do, but with her first birthday coming up faster than I'd like, I thought how perfect it would be if we won! So, if you are so inclined, you can vote for her here (Facebook link).

Also, Carter is starting to crawl and move around a lot more!

She's so goofy ;) See you soon!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blanket Changes

I've been knitting away this week, and made a change on the Vivid blanket. After talking it over with my brother, I've decided to make the blanket bigger even though it means it wont be done for the wedding. He was totally fine with this, and I was too because ultimately I want it to be something they get a lot of use out of. If that means it takes a few more months, so be it! That said, here's my progress:

I have 18 squares done, and the ball on top is the next and last color. I laid out the squares over the weekend so I know what colors need more squares, so now to keep knitting! I really do love this pattern, and I can almost knit it entirely from memory. 

I also put a few rows on Carter's bloom. This is a hard color to photograph- it keeps getting washed out. You can also really see the crack on my lens (that I really need to go get fixed!) because I was trying to get it in the sun as much as possible.

No problems with this so far, just ribbing and increases!

This crazy girl is babbling all the time now, and is this close to crawling. I'm not sure I'm ready for that!

Linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What Carter Eats 2

It's been a few weeks so I thought I would do another post about what Carter is eating!

We introduced a few new purees, and more recently have been doing a lot more finger foods. Yesterday and today we have been starting with finger/table foods, and then following with purees if she hasn't eaten enough.

This was about a month ago, in the middle of April. She had avocado and sweet potato, and clearly she enjoyed it! She doesn't usually get this messy, but the hubs was letting her feed herself pretty much entirely.

The next day we were at the park, so she had a pouch of baby food. I don't remember what kind though. I love the pouches for travel!

Saturday the 18th was one of the first nice days we had, so we all had breakfast on the porch. Baby had oatmeal and fruit :)

For the next few weeks she ate a lot of the same 10 fruits and veggies, plus oatmeal, puffs, and toast pieces. By the end of April we had her eating 3 meals a day, and starting to vary her foods a bit more. I realized we'd been in a bit of a rut!

We did cottage cheese on April 30th, and she liked it, but didn't love it. I think the texture threw her off a bit. 

I was away the first weekend of May, so we didn't introduce anything new. On May 5th we did yogurt again. We tried yogurt when she was 7.5 months and I think she just wasn't ready for it. It made for an AWFUL diaper. She loves it now though! I feed her plain greek yogurt. Here she's eating it mixed with butternut squash.

And here she is a few mornings later eating it with banana chunks for breakfast (please excuse her goopy eye. Her tear duct still isn't working quite right :/)

This week we are doing a lot more finger foods because Carter seems to be getting bored of the purees. So far she has done carrots (still not a big fan) peaches (loves them!) avocado (likes it) black beans (so so) and mozzarella cheese (likes it). I've started keeping better track of exactly what she eats for solid meals so watch for a post about our transition to finger foods!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Travel Knitting

I don't get as much time to knit this days, with an almost mobile 8 month old, work, cooking, cleaning, dog, cat, and husband. But I usually try to sneak in a few minutes every day, during nap times, at night before bed, or in the case of last weekend, while in the car! I went to my to-be-sister-in-law's bachelorette party and shower this weekend, and since my parents were going too I rode with them. Not only did this save me gas money (always nice) but it also meant I got to knit while I rode! I got more knitting done over 2 days that I have in weeks.

Above you can see the new project I started. Given how little time I have to knit these days, I started thinking ahead to projects I want to finish this year. I knew that I wanted to give Carter a hand knit gift for her first birthday, and that was prioritized over everything but the blanket. So I brought the yarn along (lovingly wound by my husband!) and cast on a Bloom by Georgie Hallam. I only got a few rows in, but it was so nice working with Sunshine Yarns again :)

I devoted most of my time to the squares for the wedding blanket though, and I'm making good progress! Here's my stack:

Here are 16 of the 17 squares I have finished. I originally was only going to make 25, and do a gradient from the middle out where half the colors would go from light to dark (the middle) and back out to light with the other half of the colors on the other side. But I really love how all the colors look together, and even though I would be almost double the amount of squares I'm considering doing it as a full gradient from light to dark and back to light again (does that make any sense?)

I think it would be a more usable size, and I really want them to LOVE this blanket. I think I have enough yarn, so I might start to try to really crank out squares and see how many I can get done.

Linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along today!