

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Current Reads

I thought since I don't have a whole lot of knitting progress to share that I would talk about what I've been reading. First up is the Chronicles of Narnia Series. Even though this series is pretty far below my reading level, I never finished it when I was younger and decided I wanted to read completely through. I'm currently on The Silver Chair (The Chronicles of Narnia, Full-Color Collector's Edition) which is the 6th book in the 7th book series. If you've never read these books I highly suggest you check them out.

The second book that I recently got from my library is The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts. A friend recommended this book to me and hubby and I have actually been reading it together. So far we're only into the third chapter or so, but I like it pretty well. I find with a lot of these relationship/self help books that I don't ever fully subscribe to their ideas, but I always learn something. This one doesn't seem to bad, but I'll reserve judgment for when I've finished :)

Lastly, once I finish the Narnia series (which will hopefully be by next week) I'm going to reread the Harry Potter series. Its been years since I've read most of the books and I joined a read-and-craft-along group on Ravelry. I thought the timing was perfect with the last movie coming out in a few months.

I have a whole list of books I want to read (my queue, if you will) but I think I'll save that for another post!

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