

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Halfway Over

We are quickly approaching the end of the month, which means a few things. Homework for the HPKCHC is due, I get a long weekend for the holiday on Monday, and half of 2011 is over.

That last one made me pause. Its hard to believe that 2011 is already half gone, and yet it seems like a lot has been packed into the last six months. I lost a good friend, gained several more, celebrated our second wedding anniversary, my husband came home from deployment, a close friend made a major life decision (for the better!), I got promoted, I put school on hold, we bought a house, bought a (used) car, and a lot, lot more. No matter what the next six months brings, I sincerely hope it isn't as full as the previous six were!

On the knitting front, I have decided not to stress myself out about finishing the dish towel for a class. I have to work both jobs tomorrow and I don't want to loose sleep over it, so I've given myself permission to slack a bit. I am sure I will finish in a few days time and that's good enough for me. All I have left on my Boneyard shawl is the bind off and weaving in ends, so that should be done tonight. The quidditch scarf has been at a bit of a standstill, but I hope to pick it back up in July. I have lots of projects planned for July... only time will tell if they get done!

I read an article in an old Writer magazine (December 2009 to be exact) about journaling. It talked about six different types of journals and how they can benefit writers. I had a few blank journals sitting around (and I always admire journals at Bares and Noble and Borders) so I decided to try a few out and see how I like them. I'll report back on how it goes!

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