

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well, I knew it would happen. I missed a day of blogging. But you know, I'm ok with it. This weekend was crazy busy and I was out doing things every day. Friday I worked and then went to my friends house for a movie. Saturday a friend and I went shopping to get supplies to send boxes to our siblings and friends who are away from college. We came back home and I baked while she set up and decorated the boxes. Saturday night I went to a Pampered Chef party with my mom. This morning I went to church and fater church I watched my friend's son for a few hours. Within an hour of him picking him up hubby was back from drill.

See? Busy! But it was a good weekend. My picture for today is a close up of some of my baking spoils from Saturday. These are chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips. I'm not a huge chocolate fan, and I don't usually like chocolate cookies, but these are SO good I think I ended up eating about 2 cookies worth of dough!

Tomorrow I hope to have a picture of my latest finished object!

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