

Thursday, October 13, 2011


We finally had some sunshine so I could take decent pictures of my knitting. First, some finished items:

This is the shawl I started for my Mother in Law. The color is actually a nice foresty green... for some reason the area in my kitchen where I take all my photos is making things come out very blue lately.

And lastly, the cowl that I will finish tonight. Can you see how close I am to running out of yarn!?

Again with the blueness. Anyway, after going back and forth every row, I think I'm going to make it with the yarn I have. If I don't, I'm going to rip back and do one less row in the stockinette section to make it work.

I probably wont blog again for a few days as I leave fr Rhinebeck tomorrow and will be doing a lot of driving to get there and get home. Watch for pictures soon!

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