

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not much of anything

The title sums up what this post is going to contain. Its been a busy week or so- I'm in the middle of a new design, our appliances in the house seem to be ganging up on us, my knitting plans seem to be larger than the time I have for them, and I just finished grades for the January class (HPKCHC). If you look over there ---> you'll see a list of what all is on my needles. That's about all that will get accomplished this month, minus a small swap project and some spinning. I'm really glad I bought some fiber to play with! Here's what I'm currently working on:

The lighting makes it look more blue than it is- in reality its more green than teal-y blue. I'm really enjoying how it is working up!

This weekend I'm hoping to put a dent in my housework, knitting, and spinning all while catching up on podcasts and watching my new Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Ultimate Edition.

As you can see its not terribly expensive and its supposed to have lots of extras for Potter fans like me :)

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