

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dinner Inspiration

I owe you tons and tons of posts (especially with knitting progress) but the problem is everything I'm working on is big, involved, and will all be done right around the same time. I do have one small object I finished, so I'm going to try and photograph everything later today so you can see where I'm at. In the meantime I'm going to share two of the blogs I subscribe to. I love these gals and their ideas, and I think you will too!

The first one is Iowa Girl Eats. Kristin is super sweet and has great ideas for mostly healthy food. I really like that she cooks for only herself and her husband, because I feel like most recipes are written with a family in mind. Even though you can halve them or just eat them for leftovers, its nice to have things tailored to only two people :) I've bee following her for a while, and so far I've tried her Buffalo Chicken BLAT Wraps and they were really yummy! I have lots more of her ideas waiting for my next shopping trip. In fact, her Mushroom Cap Pizzas are on the menu for a certain person's birthday party this weekend! Kristin's meal ideas are great, and I like how they are really customize-able. You should really check her out!

The other food blog I recently started following is Sweet Tooth Sweet Life. Courtney has some good healthy meal ideas and also some work out/ training posts. She has in her profile that she just became certified as a Personal Trainer, so I think her exercise posts would be really helpful! I haven't had too much time to browse back posts, but I'll definitely be looking forward to future ones :)

I'm hoping to make food and cooking a bigger part of my blog because I feel like the knitting sometimes takes over, and I haven't been reading or watching movies as much. Heck, I'm looking just to blog more often! March kind of got away from me- we have a couple family celebrations this month and the weather was GORGEOUS for all of last week, so its hard to believe that its already the last week of March! Hope you were able to find something yummy to try for dinner this week :)

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