

Monday, May 7, 2012

All Quiet on the Blog Front

Its been pretty quiet here lately! Its the end of hubby's (insane) school semester, beginning of a new term over at the HPKCHC, and this weekend was taken up with graduation festivities. My (not so) little brother graduated!

So, needless to say, while I've been knitting, reading, and cooking a little I haven't been blogging about it. Here's a quick recap.

  • I finished my self designed shawl, and the pattern will be up as soon as I get some good photos!
  • I started the blanket for my friend's wedding late this summer. Its going pretty well!
  • I'll be making a lot of cute, small items in the near future
  • I had a win with my crock pot last week! One of my goals is to use it more, so it was nice to make a good meal with it.
  • I'm almost finished with the Hunger Games. I know I'm really late to the game, but I really wanted to read the book before we went to see the movie.
  • I'm going to be starting a reread of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire here soon, to go along with this read-along 
  • I'm also working on reading Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Spanish). I'm only a few pages in, and its slow going because my Spanish has gotten a little rusty, but I'm really enjoying it!
  • Lastly, I got an iPhone! I have been eligible for an upgrade for months now, and I went back and forth on whether or not to get a smart phone, but I'm really glad I did. I might do a future blog posts on the apps I have so far.
Anyway, I'm hoping to be back to blogging on a more regular schedule soon!

1 comment:

vampire_wolf said...

I'm excited to be able to stalk my knitting buddy again!
I'm thinking of aquiring the Italian version of Harry Potter, just to see if I can do it...I wonder who'll finish first?
I haven't read the Hunger Games yet...Is it good?
I'm planning on getting an iPhone, if I can...