

Thursday, October 18, 2012


The hubs and I are making a road trip weekend out of Rhinebeck Fiber Festival, and I'm pretty excited! However I haven't packed, I need to do laundry, the house is a mess, and we need to clean out our vehicle before we leave tomorrow. I hope to actually take photos while we are gone, and if I don't blog while on the road (doubtful, as I'll only have the iPhone) I'll do a couple posts when I get back.

In other news, the teaser photo (that ended up really large?) from last post was a box... and in the box was this:

Our new toy! We came across an awesome deal on this bad boy and couldn't pass it up. November will be the month of the elliptical!

I've also been knitting and crocheting but only on a few things:

This one is a baby blanket (and my finger... oops!) that I work on every once in a while. It might be done, not sure yet ;)

I've also been working on some socks:

These are going pretty darn fast, and will be going with me to Rhinebeck this weekend. Stay tuned to see what else got knitted on!

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