

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WIP Wednesday and a finished book

This week I didn't get a ton of knitting done. The one exception is the new pair of socks I started- turns out I can knit stockinette and read on my nook at the same time. Since a few of my textbooks are on my nook, this works out pretty well! I have to read anyway, so I might as well get some knitting done too. Here is the progress I made since Saturday:

The weird looking tube thing is actually my dpn protector/container. I have this project in a fabric project bag that I have been throwing in my book bag, and this keeps the dpns from being broken and the stitches from coming off the needles. Lifesaver! 

The other project that has seen a little love is my sweater. I never thought I would say this (as a garter  and stockinette in the round lover) but I think the sleeves are boring me. Usually I love a good slog that I can bust out with some podcasts or TV, but I haven't been excited about working on the sweater. Nevertheless, it is coming along, and the sleeve is more than have done.

The front edges are curling so you can't see the cable detail, but I do still really like this sweater and hope to finish it in time for the KAL and to wear it before it gets warm (ha!). 

While I still haven't been able to read anything for pleasure, I did finish one of my textbooks this past week. Satisfaction Guaranteed is a look at the history of consumerism and the mass market. It was a little dry to read at times, but if you are interested in advertising, marketing, and how our shopping habits have changed over the past 150 years, I would suggest it.

I'm woefully behind on my Goodreads goal, but I'm hoping to work in some audio books soon. Finishing up more textbooks will help out as well. Besides, it not like anything will happen if I only read 46 books instead of 50 ;)

This post is linked up with Ginny over at Small Things


Grenadine Girl said...

You have such good taste in yarn! Love the stripey socks and the gorgeous cabling in that sweater. I'll have to look it up on Ravelry :)

Kanobles said...

Thank you! Its a great pattern- Thea Colman has a ton of great ones!