

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Pinterest Finds

This post almost didn't happen today. Its been kind of an odd week; nothing crazy but just slightly off from the normal weekly schedule. I don't know if it was because of that or something else, but I don't have much ambition today. When I went to Pinterest and realized I had pinned 1 thing I was close to just skipping the Pinterest Finds post for this week. I got to leave work a little early though, and curling up on the couch with my lap top sounded pretty good, so I now have some pins to share with you :)

The hubs and I love mexican food, and these enchiladas look great!

This seems like a smart idea for under kitchen and bathroom sinks.
Source: via Kim on Pinterest

I can't laugh too hard... we have a Snuggie ;)

This is so ridiculous and funny at the same time

Mmmm healthier alfredo sauce? Yes please!

I think this is a sweet pose for maternity photos

I love these colors for decorating a room

What a fun table!
Source: via Kim on Pinterest


ShaylaM said...

I'd love those colors for decorating, too! And I think the table is adorable. You always seem to find great things. :-)

Kanobles said...

Awww thanks! Now if I actually ever got around to doing anything with these ideas, I'd be set! :)