

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

WIP Wednesday

I'm excited to show you guys my knitting progress for the past two weeks! Since I took last week off from blogging and I had a bit more time since I wasn't in school, there's a good amount to show you.

I'm currently working on the last bib out of five for a friends baby shower next weekend. 
This one will have a green tie, and will round out the rainbow bib set nicely. I may try to get out a small little something to add to the basket, but if not I think this little set in the basket will make a nice gift.

The other project I'm still working on is the blanket. I'm SO CLOSE to finishing this! Here's a shot of my last border row:
I hope to have it finished and washed this weekend so it can go to its recipient.

I finished a couple of things too! You guys last saw this yellow bib as a WIP.

And I finished up the green bib too.
For knitting so many of these guys, I don't hate the pattern. I may not want to knit one for a while, but I can see myself knitting more sometime in the future! I think it helped knowing I was going to make 5 from the get go and having them color coordinate.

Reading is mostly school stuff, and my currently reading list on Goodreads is getting ridiculous.  I can't wait until the semester finished, half of those books will be read, and I can go back to reading whatever I want!

This post is linked up with Ginny's Yarn Along

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