Happy Wednesday! I'm excited to show you what I have been working on the past few days. Have you ever had one of those projects that you enjoy working on so much that it grows faster than you thought possible? Normally I am not a monogamous knitter- I usually have between 3-5 things on the needles and I bounce back and forth depending on my mood. But lately I seem to be shifting into a much more focused mindset- I only have one other project on the needles right now, the stripey socks that I used to carry with me to school, and they haven't been touched in a few weeks.
Anyway, this is the project that has captured my heart:
This is the Jackson Blanket pattern and I'm knitting it in some acrylic baby yarn I've had sitting around for a while. This is a blanket for my new niece Rebecca, and I think that part of the reason I am enamored with this project is that I'm so excited she has become part of our family. I wont get to see her in person for a while, as my brother and sister-in-law live in Florida, but I'm hoping to get this finished in a few weeks and send it down to her.
Here is a close up of the pattern and yarn:
I think it is fun how the multi colored yarn is striping and pooling a little. It might be too much if I didn't have the while stripes in it, but I think it balances itself out :) I started this on Friday and it's about 10 inches long right now. At this rate it should be finished in about 2.5 weeks!
I'm still reading a lot of the same things I have been, but I've had (a little!) more free time so many of them have actually made progress! I'm still working on Game of Thrones; I think that one is the closest to being finished. I'm reading this one the most because I really want to start the TV series with the hubs, and I'm one of those people who likes to read the book before seeing the movie/TV show.
The next book I started listening to on audio while I spin on my wheel. Its funny- I am waiting until June 1 to start my next bump of fiber, and I'm antsy to spin AND to keep listening to the book! It is A Monstrous Regiment of Women by Laurie King. I started reading this series years ago and kind of forgot about it. Thank goodness for Goodreads! It keeps me much more organized :)
The last book is Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll. This one is something the hubs and I are reading together, but it got set aside for months while we were both so busy with school last semester. Its definitely going to be a long term read- some nights we have other stuff going on and don't want to stay up the extra 10-20 minutes to read a section. But that's ok- I figure as long as we are making some progress we will get through it eventually ;)
Lots of knitting and reading going on here! I'm hoping it continues even though the weather seems to be having mood swings and we don't have our AC unit up and running yet.