

Monday, May 20, 2013

Beginnings and Endings

The past weekend was crazy busy, but really fun. So that this post isn't miles long, I'll recap by saying that went to a fire at a friends house, graduated, celebrated another friend's birthday, had my graduation party, and visited with some family. I'm really blessed to have close family and friends that have encouraged me while I finished school, and celebrated with me when I was done!

(I am in this picture, but even I had a hard time picking me out!)

This week, while the first week not going to classes, is still crazy busy! Tonight after work I'm going to my dad's softball game, tomorrow the hubs works late, Wednesday we have plans with friends, Thursday is another late work night for the hubs, Friday will be a big day of shopping to catch up on all the random stuff we have needed for weeks but havent had time to get, and Saturday I have a Thirty-One party I'm going to.

This is the new normal for us. Slightly crazy work schedules, but more time to get random house errands done, more time for friends, and hopefully more time with each other as well. It is also very summer-like here, and it was so nice to be outside for my graduation party. I even got a bit sunburned on my shoulders, which I am totally ok with as it means the nice weather is here to stay!

Our menu this week:

Monday: leftovers from the graduation party for lunch and dinner!

Tuesday: lunch- sandwiches and carrots
Dinner- burgers

Wednesday: lunch- tuna salad and crackers

Thursday: lunch- sandwich and an apple
Dinner- leftovers

Friday: lunch- eat out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...
