

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

WIP Wednesday

This week hasn't seen a ton of knitting progress. I focused mainly on my Barndom shawl, which is my Camp Loopy 3 project. Monday I noticed that I had slipped stitches with the yarn on the wrong side, which meant I had a random piece of brown yarn in front of the pretty slipped stitches. It was really noticeable, so I tinked back the 5 or so rows, corrected it, and then caught back up. I think I am still on track to finish by the end of the month. Here's where I was at this morning:

This is being knit out of Malabrigo Sock yarn in Chocolate Amargo, Ivy, and Boticelli Red (to be added in at the end). I'm liking the project so far, and it is making me think of Fall!

I did a few round on my socks for Dad, but these are mostly my on-the-go knitting, and I haven't had too much time in the car or waiting around to work on them.

I think I'm almost to the point where I start the heel flap, so almost 75%!

I also did a few rounds on my Marsh stripey socks this week. It is embarrassing how long these things have been on the needles. I might just work on them monogamously once I get sick of the shawl for a bit to finish them up, because they are so close! Just the ribbing for the leg and 1 heel.

Once I get one of these pairs of socks finished, more baby items!

This post is linked up with Ginny's Yarn Along


karen said...

I love the shawl!!! The color pairing is gorgeous :) Just what I would knit and wear.

Donna said...

I just love those socks! There are just some mistakes that you need to fix in knitting. It frustrates me when that happens n

Kanobles said...

Thanks Karen! They are totally my colors as well. In fact, we were getting ready to do to dinner last night and I realized that between my top and cardigan I was wearing all the colors of my shawl!

Donna- too true. Sometimes I can leave mistakes but something so silly and noticeable needed to be fixed!

Stephanie said...

Shawl is looking good! Great job so far! Love the colors in the striped socks. Happy knitting!