

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Vivid Underway

I haven't been knitting on too many different projects lately, which is unusual for me, but good for my 2015 knitting plan! I've been pretty enamored with the Vivid blanket squares I am making for my brother and his fiance for their wedding in June. Here are the first two squares:

Clearly they will benefit from a good blocking :)

Most of the colors are shades of blue, but there's also this lavender and a mint green color. I think it will be lovely and I can't wait to get enough squares finished so I can start laying out the design and putting it together!

In other related news, I am destashing a lot of my yarn. I have some up right now, but more will be going up in the next few days as I get to it. If you are in the market for some new yarn at a good price, check it out here! Also, I have a lot of acrylic that I'm planning on giving away. If you could use it and wouldn't mind paying shipping, I will send it to you! Some of it is nicer, soft acrylic and some is mystery yarn. Not all of it is in my stash on Ravelry, so that's why I'm not listing it there.

Hope wherever you are you are staying warm and getting in some knitting time!

I'm linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along

1 comment:

Lilly's Mom said...

Those are such beautiful squares you have knitted. It will be a lovely blanket.