Nice, right?
I also baked the requested birthday dessert, which was a cheesecake. I haven't made a completely-from-scratch cheesecake in a long time, so I borrowed a spring-form pan and whipped that up. It turned out great! Here's the recipe I used.
My parents offered to watch Carter so we could have a little birthday time without her, so once they picked her up we ordered some Chinese (again, the hub's pick) and finally got around to watching the first few episodes of season 4 of Game of Thrones. I've had it home from the library for a week, but they're just a little longer than normal TV shows so it seems like we never have time for them.
Sunday we did our usual church and work routine, but Zach's afternoon was a little different. His birthday gift was a massage, so he enjoyed that while I was at work. My in-laws came over to watch Carter for us, and they joined us for dinner after we all got home. Spaghetti and meatballs was the requested meal for Sunday night, and we enjoyed that with more cheesecake.
My mother in law, the hubs, and Diesel the dog
We had a lot of good food this weekend, and that means leftovers! Here's our plan for this week:
Monday: leftovers
Tuesday: Greek Yogurt Waffles
Wednesday: Fish and veggies
Thursday: Eat out
Friday: Pizza and wings with my parents
Saturday: Cheesy Tex Mex Chicken
I'll also be doing some baking for Zach to take into work this week. More on that later!
Lastly, a Carter photo from this weekend. She has not been a happy camper lately- we are SO close to her first tooth (teeth?) breaking through, and she has been miserable off and on for the past 2-3 weeks. She skipped a nap entirely on Saturday, and I wore her in the Moby so I could get some things done and she could be calm. She loves that thing!
Linking up with Motivation Monday today!
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