

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Easy Make Ahead Breakfast

I haven't been doing my usual blog posts, and I'm not really sure why. Part of it is that menu planning has been a little less structured than usual (read: making a list 10 minutes before going to the store) and I still am not doing a ton of knitting. I am reading though, and I hope to share what I've read recently with you soon!

Today though I'm sharing a little project I did during this morning's nap time. Mornings are always a little rushed for me, and even more so now that I have a baby. Trying to get her dressed, me dressed, her diaper bag packed, my bag packed, letting the dog out, feeding the dog, feeding the cat, and getting both of us bundled up and out the door feels like a marathon some days. Breakfast doesn't always happen, and then I'm starving or stopping at Tim Hortons, which isn't great for my wallet. 

Enter make ahead breakfasts! The hubs and I used to make up a batch of breakfast burritos, but I'm not the biggest fan of scrambled eggs. I decided to make my own breakfast sandwiches to keep in the freezer for those rushed mornings. How nice to have a quick, easy and warm breakfast in only a few minutes!

For my batch today, I made sausage and egg sandwiches on english muffins, half with swiss cheese and half with sharp cheddar. Here's what I did!

First I did the eggs, since they took the longest. I preheated my oven to 350 degrees, and cracked eggs into muffin tins I'd sprayed with cooking spray. I baked them for 15 minutes and they were perfect for me, but if you like your eggs really well done I would go another minute or two.

This photo makes me realize that I need to clean my oven!!!

Then I started separating english muffin halves and toasting them. I suppose you could skip this step, but I like my muffins crispy :)

While they were toasting, I microwaved the sausage patties in batches of 3 or 4. I thought about cooking up bacon because I prefer it over sausage, but the sausage was easier and quicker. You could substitute bacon or ham or any other meat you want.

Lastly, when the eggs were done and had cooled for about 10 minutes, I assembled. I found it easiest to use the flatter of the two english muffin halves for the base, as the were wider and accommodated the sausage better. I also broke my cheese in half and criss-crossed it because otherwise it hung over the edges and I didn't want a melty mess.

Then I wrapped them in a paper towel and placed them in individual sandwich bags for the freezer.

I actually had one for breakfast this morning after I finished assembling and it was really good! The true test will be reheating them from the freezer, but I think we may have a winner. 

Carter didn't have a breakfast sandwich, but she did have fun playing with her dog!

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