

Thursday, October 20, 2011

More bread

I baked bread for the first time a few weeks ago, and this time I decided to use a pan bread recipe. I was up until after midnight waiting for it to finish baking because I didn't gauge how much time I needed. Oops. Anyway, Its all done and here's a photo:

The one on the right is just plain white bread, and I decided to try and make the one on the left cinnamon brown sugar swirl. It worked pretty well considering I was making it up as I went along. I'm not sure if we just thought my first loaf was so good because it was my first or what, but these ones don't quite measure up to that one. Still, they;re pretty good and its fun to do... when you have the time!

On the knitting front, mini sock number 13 is almost finished. At this rate I'll be half way by this weekend, which is good. I'm hoping to keep up with my current pace, but I do have a shawl that need to be finished and Christmas gifts to be starting. Anyone else need more time in their day!?

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