If you look my Knitting Knit Meter is at 9983 yards for this year. That's a lot! I was bummed that I missed the 10,000 mark by so little though. Then I realized that a few of my projects had been crochet! I made a new widget for the crochet items, and I'm happy to announce that I knit and crochet 10,806 yards this year! I'm really proud of that.
My last FO for 2012 was this little clutter control basket I crocheted. I wanted a quick small project and this used up some dish cloth cotton leftovers, so win-win!
It looks a little crazy with the four different colors, but it works to hold all my little notes that usually clutter the coffee table. Its a free pattern, so if you need a basket to hold your goods, check it out!
Tonight we are off to a friends house for a small, casual New Years celebration. I knew I wanted to make some dips to munch at all night, and I think I have settled on Chicken Wing dip (a fav of the hubs) and crab dip. For ease of transport, I am using a crock pot recipe for the Chicken Wing dip. The crab dip, however, is going to be of my own invention. The hubs said that I should start making my own recipes, and I decided that he is right. I cook and bake enough that I am always modifying recipes anyway, I might as well make my own and share them with you! Stay tuned for the recipe- hopefully its good!
Would you recommend her books, then?! I am always on the lookout for a good book. What genre are they?
I would! They are easy mystery reads that usually involve her mystery writer mother and funeral director father. They aren't a hard read by any means, so if you are looking for a book you can finish in a few days these are great.
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