

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pinterest Finds- Dessert Takes Over!

I'm not really sure how it happened, but all I pinned this week was food. Desserts, to be exact. This is pretty surprising since I haven't been baking as much in an effort to drop a few pounds. I was sneak-attacked by a blog though- ALL these recipes are from one blog, and let me just say I had to stop looking at the blog because I'm pretty sure I could pin everything on there. My new time suck is Sally's Baking Addiction, and if you guys haven't checked out her site before, you NEED to.

Anyway, onto the desserts!

Mmmm. I'm a big fan of the peanut butter and chocolate combo, and I have been craving fudgy brownies for two weeks or so!

Another healthy(ish) one is her Skinny Chocolate Banana Fudge Muffins
Do you think these count as breakfast? It has muffin in the title...

Salted Peanut Nutella Puppy Chow sounds really good right about now- but we might skip the peanuts.
I've never actually made puppy chow before, but we're big fans, and the Nutella factor is intriguing to me!

For the chocolate lover (aka mom!) Death By Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies!
 If I did make these for mom though, I think I would only use regular chocolate chips. You know, because there wasn't enough chocolate already ;)

I'm always on the lookout for a chocolate chip cookie that is a classic, but has something a little different from the Toll House recipe. I feel like Sally's THE Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is perfect!
I've been seen a lot about adding cornstarch to your cookies, and I think I need to try this out!

Last but certainly not least, the Bite-Sized Peanut Butter Pretzel M&M Cookies. There are a lot of my favorite things in that title!
These just seem so happy and flavorful that I think they need to be made soon. Maybe tonight? I'm having a hard time deciding what recipe to make first! 

If you don't hear from me on Monday, its possible I'm in a sugar coma from too many delicious desserts :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum, this looks all so tasty!